Monday, June 25, 2007

Be gone you germs!

I'm over it, all weekend everyone in this house has been attacked by this horrible flu. This morning meant The Man and Big Little Man are off school and work and Little Man just can not seem to beat it at all and looks to be getting worse. Made a bulk doctors appointment for all the men so we can this germ infestation out of our lives and so I can finally get some sleep. I have cured myself with Cognac, I could feel it's power as it burned it's path though all those virus germs in me, shame I can't give some to the kids. Well I could but I don't think that is good parenting.

1 comment:

abc said...

Cognac - Really? I heard about it - but does it really work? My son has been sick, but I've been ok so far. Glad you are getting better. You take care.