Friday, June 01, 2007

Hello Winter

Today is the first day of winter and it was a beautiful crisp day, blue skies with no clouds, slight breeze and blazing sun, of course working at it's maximum winter power of about 18 degrees.

Whilst helping our with Kinder today a little boy who always seems to crave attention told me that he wished I was his mum, it was so cute and a wonderful compliment as most of the time I feel like I am doing a shocking job of being a mother. Later whilst the kids were being read a story by the librarian the teacher explained that said little boy needs a break as his parents were in a bitter divorce, where they split him up between themselves and he has no stability. She said that she has to send 2 notes as they never talk to each other so if one parent got a note from the school they wouldn't tell the other about it if it was there time to care for him.

Poor little boy, he seems so happy and so much potential but I can see now that no one sits with him to show him how to write and sound out words, why and how can a parent be so selfish to their own child? I know in my heart that if anything came between me and The Man that I would place myself last, I just couldn't hurt my kids because my life didn't succeed as I planned. Of course this would not occur as I don't believe in divorce personally (for myself) as I knew when I married it was for the long haul and we both agree to work through all things, we are true mates and I think this helps. We have expectations of each other but discuss them, talking is always the key and trust is the lock. If you break the lock, I believe you will always have a hard time getting that key to work again, and if you manage to fix the lock or even replace it, it's never the same as the first one.

Off to bed, off to finish reading my latest book by Jodi Picoult, 'Nineteen Minutes'. Will give a review soon!

Oh and I think I have bitten off more then I can chew as I have promised to host The man's brothers 40th birthday - OMG what was I thinking?

1 comment:

abc said...

I have no idea what you were thinking. You obviously are in the mood for a challenge! Nevermind, it will be fun!! Its so sad about that little boy. I know people can go through a really hard time and get so emotionaly damaged they don't think clearly. I hope that his parents are wonderful with him when they are with him, and that what you noticed is just a bit of stuff that came across worse than it really is.