Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Little Man's New bike

Well I couldn't get the bike trailer so we let Little Man have have his first real bike:

Previously he was riding his brothers old bike but Deaf Dog has some how managed to eat the pedals. This new bike will be guarded in the garage with my bike and everything else that needs safety from the dogs jaws!


abc said...

Woo Hoo! What a great bike! And little man looks tickled pink with his new pride and joy. Tip for you, my little man (when he was little) would love his bikes but each on would end up in the rain rusted and neglected. I did something wrong there. So my tip to you is (not that little man would be so disrespectful) but look out so he learns how to take good care of things... not just for the first 6 months while they are 'new'. I wish I did that with my son... now he takes so much for granted. Your is one very lucky little man!

boringsahm said...

Oh that is a skill I would love to instil on my boys, my eldest is already half way to being the most ungrateful and selfish child!