Sunday, November 19, 2006

In Laws

Everyone has them if they choose to have a partner, even if it is the
family of a close friend they are like in laws and they tend to have
some facet of them that total drives you nuts.

I think I get along fairly well with my in laws, but they are so
particular that the smallest thing can upset the balance and it's
rocky seas ahead, well I can't recall if I told you about my incident
and it is certainly not a little incident but lets just say I caused a
Tsunami about 6 month ago and the effects of it seem like they will
never fade. Regardless of what occurred and who was wrong or right at
the time I have plain had enough of the guilt that should be and would
rather them just exit my life then pretend to like me in front of my
face, they all walk on egg shells when they are around me, like they
are playing it safe, what bloody for!

I had one incident with BIL4 but every member of that clan has taken
his side but never ever asked us what occurred, he has always been the
god loved brother, there is always one in a family, ours is my sister,
she can never do any wrong, but that is beside the point for the
moment and it is just shitting me beyond all ends I just want to
scream when ever his name is mentioned.

The man likes to make little jokes and believes his family are in the
wrong but when he starts to get effected by their stupid ways it
upsets him and in turn it upsets me too. I'm not sure why I'm blogging
about it, I think because it is caught in my mind and it is ruining
Christmas plans.

Oh to early in the morning to start thinking of it all again, will
just concentrate on myself and my family as we are all that matter.

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