Friday, May 25, 2007

Stop it!

Give me a break blogger, I have been battling with you for over 1 hour and nothing but crappy results.

Have you forgotten this is a secret blog, so that means I have limitation's on when I can post, yes they are my limitations, the ones I choose to make when I started this, knowing I could only post when the Man was not around, but seriously I do have better ways to spend my time.

Start working or I will blog else where, you have been warned.

Now some me time......


lychee said...

I so here ya sister :)

Coco said...

What's going on?

I never have trouble posting. Only sometimes if I try to add pictures.


abc said...

You poor thing - it must be so frustrating. I do experience issues with blogger but not like you have been! That is really weird. Maybe there is something on your computer it doesn't like? meanwhile write your blogs in word and then paste then here - that way you don't lose all you wrote if blogger behaves badly. If you like, let me know what happens (exactly) and include any error messages you get. I'll ask around and use the blogger help to see what they say for you. I might not get to it for a few days, but I'll see what I can do. Sometimes blogger bahves badly, but it does it for several people, not one. with this just being you... its strange. But we need to get to the bottom of it.