Friday, May 25, 2007

It's war blogger!

I'm so angry as I have tried to post several times here and nothing, either numerous lost blogs or stupid error messages! Hmm I notice that a little pop up tells me that it is going to save my drafts - about bleeding time!

So what have you missed?

I beaded my first bracelet!

Check out who is spying at me whilst I was taking a snapshot of my bracelet! Only noticed it when cropping the photo.

My parents are down visiting!

I have the appetite of an elephant and am happily feeding that appetite and slowly gaining weight, it's a quick path to self sabotage I must STOP or maybe I am just laying down my winter fat like animals do.

It's freezing and I can't feel my toes.

And happy birthday to my buddy Rainbow!


Coco said...


I love that kind of spy. :)

Beautiful braclet.

And yep.... it's soooo cold.

abc said...

yay - I love the bracelet - so pretty and feminine! Thanks you for my lovely birthday wish. xxXxxx