Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I need a star chart

I have had to resort to methods that I use on the kids to motivate me to exercise more. Since the school holidays began I just found that having 2 boys in the house meant that it was to much effort to find time for myself to exercise, and since the holidays have been over and we have returned from QLD this pattern of procrastination has continued.

So in a lame effort to move me, I have created a star/reward chart, just like the one I use for the kids when they were toilet trained and what I aim is to get a star for each time I do exercise. It has to be real exercise of a minimum 30min or 150 calorie burn. Yes 150 calorie burn doesn't seem a lot but these days it takes me 35 minutes of running at 8km/h on the treadmill to achieve that sort of burn. Oh I remember the good old days when I would burn 300cals in 20 minutes on the exercise bike, bring back those days with out the excess fat of course!

My eating is also heading out of control, but I know if I can start to exercise again it will come back into line as I'm never as hungry or do the bored eating thing as I'm busy and full of lovely exercise endorphins.

Hey Rainbow, thanks for the comment but I'm sure you have been where I have been one time in your life. With only one of working and it seems he is also the one doing the spending, we really shouldn't complain and just bite the bullet and sort it out, which we will, hopefully by tax time.

Deaf Dog is of to the vet's tomorrow to get desexed...lucky girl!


abc said...

It sucks how the cals are harder to burn. You are doing great and I think a star chart is wonderful. I'm a big fan of keeping things simple - they tend to get the best results. I should think about something like that - I need to get my shit together. You go girl!

Coco said...

You are such an inspiration J. Good on you for getting things back under control. I am amazed at how well you have maintained your weight.

Bummer about your family photos. We never had many either but we sure make up for it when we are all in the same room. :)

Mel. said...

What a great idea J about the star chart. I think that is something I need to do as well.

Also sorry to hear about the family pictures. As kids we didn't have too many family pictures either but sadly we can never have the whole family together again, with my mum and brother gone.