Sunday, January 11, 2009

The in-laws...

Now they are driving me a little batty. Every year at the same time they all go on diets, and every year its a new diet that is the best diet and will work.."this time"... I think they are just diet suckers and don't want to put in the hard yards of exercise and healthy eating on a daily basis, that in general is how I lost my 30kilo's, I did use calorie counting but no fancy methods, like eat nothing but proteins for 3 days.

So they have spurred me to get right back into my health and lose this nagging 5 kilo's that I had gained and that have been following me for the last 6 months.

This is the diet they are following: Body Trim, it may very well work and good luck to them but hard yakka is my way and I'm off to do just that.

I'm also going to use my Wii fit game more, I really enjoy it telling me that my wii fit age is in the 20's but I like the yoga parts and find the stretching makes me relaxed after a workout. I'd also like to see my Mii a little trimmer!

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