Friday, August 29, 2008

Health "Focus"- Wk2 challenges

Have decided to call this new diet/health thing I'm doing "Focus" because what my intentions are is to focus on my health and exercise to get me back to my healthy weight and where I'm happiest.

Well one of my diet buddies has advised that our renewed interest in wanting to get healthy has helped her achieve a 2.5kg weight loss! (Yeah for her) but as I never really weighed myself on my first week, I'm not sure if I lost at all. I will start weighing in from Monday.

I do feel better for doing more exercise and I'm having wonderful nights sleep too, I still head to bed way to late but that is me and nothing to do with laziness, I just forget the time reading or playing my NDS.

So over the last 5 days I have:
Mon: 5km walk
Tue: 5km walk
Wed: 5km walk
Thu:4km walk
Fri: Jillian Michael's "Shape up Front" workout

I will also try to do 30min on the elliptical some time today (just reading speed ie: I read whilst I exercise so no real heart pumping but better then sitting on my behind.)

I have been very good with my wine and coffee week 1 challenges so I'm going to up the ante with them, so
Next weeks challenges I have set for myself are:

No more then 2 regular (home/instant) coffee's or 1 store bought coffee per day. (I find the Gloria Jean coffee's I love have heaps heaps more calories then a coffee I make at home - why is that when I ask for skim anyway?)
No more then 4/7 small glasses of wine in a week (so 3 dry alcohol free day's)

adding an exercise component:
Will carry my hand weights on a minimum of 2 walks
To use my Gymstick at least 2 times in the week
(got is a birthday gift but never hardly use it)

and I also intend to use my CK diary daily to keep track of my intake as now I have exercise up and running on a daily basis I know it is the food that is letting me down.

Will have a rest day on Sunday.

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