Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The new treadmill

Oh yes, I some how managed to acquire another piece of exercise equipment (still want the bike trailer, but doubt that is ever going to happen) and it is a very flashy treadmill with a built in TV!

I never thought I would love exercising again, but before we purchased it I fell into a slump and only managed a jog a week with the dog, and may I also add that Deaf Dog is a hopeless border collie and gets tired after 20 minutes(I had to carry her up a hill one day). I was maintaining my weight and eating well enough but my fitness levels were dropping. But now that the treadmill is in the house, I'm up jogging nearly every day with gusto, I don't have to force myself to exercise I actually WANT too!

I am challenging myself to run 25km a week and hope to manage 5km in 30 minutes. I still hate long workouts, but with the access to increase speed and incline I should be able to continue on a great workout in 30 minutes. Once I can happily run 30 minutes non stop, I'll then aim at 10kms and maybe even try a fun run. Yes me, run on the road with heaps of other people for no other reason then to see if I can do it.

I think the TV makes it seem quicker and not so boring. I'm also hoping to get down to 55 kilo's by the time we head up to see mum and dad in QLD at the end of April, but that will also mean eating more cautiously and understand that several hot cross buns is not really a suitable breakfast.


Scooter said...

I've fallen off my routine lately. Why? Because the rechargable batteries in my wireless headphones died, and it took a week and a half for the new ones to arrive via mail. I have to admit, in retrospect, that seems like a really stupid reason not to be exercising. But in my defense, it's still a little cold here in Minnesota.

Scooter said...

My wife said, "There's a mostly naked woman on your blog." I said, "Halle Berry? I wish!"

She said, "Oh yeah, that is Halle Berry." And that seemed to just sort of write it off, like Halle Berry would never comment on my blog or find me interesting. I think I should be offended :)

boringsahm said...

I can only dream and aspire to be Halle! Please pass on to your wife not to burst my shinny yet tiny bubbles.
Actually might be time to change my pic....