Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bookclub: What came before he shot her :(

Right off I was so pleased when I heard that my favourite author had released another book that followed on from her previous Inspector Lynley stories. As each of the Lynley books were released I purchased them, hard back and very expensive and for those of you who know me I don't generally buy books, that is what the library is for. But I always enjoyed Elizabeth George and I put down the book I had already started to start reading this once I got my hands on it.

Sadly I was greatly disappointed, I read it but I paused towards the middle, I just was not motivated to keep reading it, it was draining and negative, with no light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst looking for a pic on amazon to place here, a critique there completely sums what I too thought of the book:

"From Bookmarks Magazine
Scotland Yard detective Thomas Lynley is all but missing from this novel, and critics aren't sure what to make of his absence as well as that of most of the other popular series characters (only two of Lynley's police sidekicks appear—as minor walk-ons). The majority of critics cite this psychological crime novel as a deeply disturbing and unrelenting, yet illuminating, portrayal of a dysfunctional family and of the ways its members can go tragically astray. Two reviewers, however, cited a disconnected narrative, an overly complicated plot, too much detail, and a bleak, hopeless tone as major faults of the novel. There are, of course, no surprises about how the novel ends: Elizabeth George has already told that story in With No One As Witness.
Copyright © 2004 Phillips & Nelson Media, Inc.

Very disappointed, first time ever one of her books gets a :( and I'm so glad that I never purchased it as it would have been a complete waste of money.

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