Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas is 9 days away!

Where has the time gone? It's not like the year has past me by without me noticing but it certainly seems to have flown by awfully quick.

I had one glorious day where both the boys and the man were at pre-school or work, I was amazingly bored as we have run out of funds to go shopping or do anything, but at the same time the peace and freedom to do what I liked was brilliant, I can not wait for next year when big little man is off to school 5 days a week and little man is off to pre-school for 2 days...oh I'm all smiles!

Christmas shall be dull this year with the man working, but I think the lack of parties to go to might be nice too. Not really getting anything for Christmas, bought some clothes already and hoping to get my hands on the Nintendo DS we bought for big little man as the man got himself a PSP and big little man already has a game boy. I don't need it and I don't really like games, but you can get the SIMS on it and that sound like fun, especially on the days the kids are driving up the wall.

But that's it, life is boring - oh wait! I met the CK ladies, they all seemed nice but we were al quiet and didn't say much, I wouldn't mind going on one of those city walks to find out more about them, but making the man watch the boys for an entire day is another challenge all on it's own I'm just not ready to tackle yet. Maybe 2007 will see him loosen up a bit and let me live a so we wait.

toot toot, time to put the kiddies to bed, will blog again soon!

Update on my cat: It seems that he had a very close call and it's thankful that cat's have several lives as I'm sure that my kitty lost one over the last week. Kitty stopped eating altogether then disappeared for about 3 days, after hours of searching and assuming the worst I found my very sick cat under the house in an impossible to get to spot. But I did get him and have discovered that a cat drinking chlorinated water doesn't fair to well. So with lots of fresh water, in about 5 bowls all over the yard and house he is back on the roads of health. He is extremely skinny but I'm feeding him 3 times a day and he should be back to his old sleepy self in no time. I'm just glad that he didn't die, I wasn't ready for that.

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