Saturday, March 14, 2009

I have been tagged

I've been tagged by Carlton to post seven things about myself...

She is my one and only blogger follower so I feel rather honored, and it's been donkeys since I have been tagged.

The Rules:
1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 7 unspectacular quirks about you.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5.Link the person who tagged you.
6.Leave a comment for each blogger.

Seven Facts about me:
1. I'm 5'3 and feel it as 50% of the 6th graders at my son's school are taller then me.
2. I love gadgets.
3. I hate cleaning the house, ironing clothes, anything domestic - thus a bad SAHM
4. I love my husband, even though I complain about him endlessly
5. I can talk almost anyones head off (or so everyone tells me)
6. I donate my platelets/plasma every month, I feel it's all I can give honestly to the world.
7. I can not eat store made pizza since losing my weight, I instantly become sick with one bite.

Seven Unspectacular Quirks about me: (gezz I thought the facts about me were rather unspectacular)
("Quirk"= A peculiar behavioral habit)

1: I had to look up "Quirk" to ensure I gave the right answers, I do that so I do sound like an idiot.
2. I hang clothes on the line by who owns them, each member of the family gets one side each.
3. I brush my teeth whilst in the shower.
4. The only way to enjoy Vegemite is together with Banana and cheese - grilled!
5. I don't go to the hairdressers, "once bitten forever petrified"
6. I can't help but look at myself in anything reflective, eg building windows etc. It's nothing vain, I just do.
7. I will always turn something down in a store if I know I can get it cheaper somewhere else - miser?, maybe that's a fact?

I'm meant to tag 7 others now, but I don't have that many blog friends, so if your reading this and you haven't done this tag before and find it interesting and want to do it, go right ahead!

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