Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Kids grow so fast!

Today I was reading PooTeeWheet's blog and agreed with her that our kids grow so fast and like a reality check, Big Little Man comes home from school and tells me that there has been something stuck in his mouth all day and could I get it out, well what do you know, my Big Little man is getting his very first Big Boy tooth. He is so excited but wants to know why his baby teeth have not fallen out yet and how long will he have to have 2 rows of teeth. I fear that he will have to get them extracted if he is anything like his mum.

Oh I recall the day I had to go to the dentist as several of my mature teeth had come at once and my baby teeth had no intentions of going anywhere, it was the dentist's job to extract 6 teeth so that my new teeth could take there rightful place in my jaw. I don't think Big Little man is ready to hear that yet and as the new tooth is just crowning (that image is not his) so it may force the baby teeth to loosen and fall out on their own, if not it's time to see the dentist.

Oh they grow so quickly.

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