Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Big Little Man is off to Big School

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I have to say I am so proud of Big Little man he has gone off to school each and every day and not cried once, he has whinged\, which he excels at but he has been overall really good. I really hope that he does enjoy school and learns as he has so much potential and I know that if he applied himself he will accomplish great things!

I'm so glad that we started LA as his friends that he has made there are now turning into his best friends, I also believe that it has helped him cope with this new change in his life. I'm worried if he is not in the same class as his friend, but I can see that he will have no trouble making other friends.

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Little man has also started pre-school and is coping well there too, strange I haven't been worried about him at all as he always came across as though these changes were more exciting then anything else. The teachers say that he is acting his age and that's to be expected. Oh I'm a very proud mum this last week!

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As for me? I am loving the spare time, Peppa and I have been going for jogs and walks, I have been out shopping and just sitting back and having peace, you do not realise how nice peace is till you have some!


Scooter said...

Oof, they get old fast.

Scooter said...

You've been very quiet for the last month, sahm.