Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I've been trying to get into blogger for the last 10 minutes and it kept bouncing me out, and now that I am finally on I can't recall what I was going to blog about.

I think it was to announce my pure happiness that the school holidays have ended and my son's have gone back to school.

Maybe it was to say that i have found some fitness motivation again and have been getting up at the crack of dawn to go for power walk with Deaf dog (the lack of brain function right now maybe a result of this mornings early rising and my need for breakfast).

I'm thinking also I may have logged on to tell you all I'm going to try to find another cache today.  Little Man and I did set out again on the holidays but I simply couldn't find the cache, it was getting late and as GZ (Ground Zero - caching lingo I can now use!) was in dense bush land and the light was fading quickly.  We will head out there again, but that is one he wasts to search for, so I'll wait for the weekend.

This cache is just a few minutes from the blood bank where I am also headed to today, so I'll see if I can do this one solo... wishing myself luck!

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