Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Curly to Straight

If you have curly hair you want it to be straight...thanks to Fella from Melbourne she showed that it can be done:

I love the Straightened hair, it makes me look so different, sort of changes the shape in my face. As my birthday is just around the corner so I'm going to get a hair straightener of my own, I doubt i will use it much, especially during summer when I'm in and out of the pool but it will make a nice change for when I go out.

Sorry I haven't been blogging much, I have used my net limit and am running on slower then dial-up until the next cycle starts, I never realised how frustrating slow internet can be, how did we ever manage before broadband?


Scooter said...

Cool. In my case, how would I go from balding to curly?

boringsahm said...

Hair extensions!